
What does your brand say about your business?

Have you ever thought about how your brand is being perceived by both your existing and future clients? 

Maybe it’s time for you to review and conduct a brand audit.  A brand audit is an evaluation of your company’s strengths and weaknesses, how it is viewed in the marketplace and finally, how you can improve your brand.

When you conduct a brand audit – here are the 3 major areas you should focus on:

1. Internal branding – Perception within Your CompanyHow is your brand received within your company and by your team members? What are your company values and mission? How is the current climate within your company culture?

2. External branding – Perception Outside of Your Company (the public)
How is your current branding such as your logo, web site and marketing working? How effective are your current marketing and advertising materials? How does your business show up on social media and within traditional media? Does your content marketing plan need to be refreshed?

3. Customer experience — How do you rate in customer satisfaction?
Is your sales process streamlined? How do you offer customer support? What are your policies? Do you collect regular feedback?

If you truly want to know how your business ranks, you need to turn to your data. Look at your web traffic, Google Analytics for demographics, evaluate your stats on social media, conduct customer surveys, engage in customer feedback calls, speak to your employees, examine data and ROI for any paid campaigns for your company.

By identifying where your company may have some shortfalls or may be excelling, you can decide how you can grow your company by focusing on what is working.  This is also a good time to test new strategies, tactics and strategies.

How can you adapt your brand? 

For internal branding – how can you improve employee morale? Have you ever asked for team member feedback? Can you engage in teambuilding activities or events for example? Do your company values need to shift as you grow?

For external branding – Does your logo and web site need a refresh? Do you need to add video to your web site to boost your engagement? Should you be more consistent on social media?

For customer experience – Do you currently have a customer loyalty program? Do you reward referrals? How do you handle dissatisfied customers? Do you need to change your policies?

We recommend doing a brand audit every year so that you that your team is happy, customers are satisfied and you are always ahead of your competitors.

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