How to improve your SEO with the right keywords

You’ve probably heard about keywords before. But maybe you’ve asked yourself…What are they? Which ones are right for my business? How many keywords do I need? and how do I use them?

If you are just starting to consider keywords for the first time it can feel a little overwhelming. But that’s why we are here — to show you that basic SEO doesn’t need to be complicated.

We’re starting off with keywords because they are the drivers of your SEO efforts. So, we are going to show you how to improve your SEO with keywords.

People use Google to search for content. Understanding what your audience is searching for is fundamental to getting found online.

Here is what you will learn about keywords today:

  • What are keywords?
  • Why do you need keywords on your website?
  • How do you know what keywords to use?
  • Where do you put keywords on your website?

Are you ready for the next lesson?

Click the button below to skip to Lesson #3 on creating SEO-friendly content.

We’re here if you have any questions. Just Contact Us.
— Creatively, Maria