Top 10 ways to find creative inspiration

We live and breathe creatively everyday. It is our passion, but in order to stay fresh we find ways to keep ourselves and our team inspired. Here are our top 10 ways to find creative inspiration.

You can start to implement new ideas into your routine, things that work for you. The idea is to do things that make you feel good, relaxed and compliment your life but don’t be afraid to try something new and exciting.

Sometimes it feels very refreshing to do things you maybe used to make time for but let the pressure and responsibility of life take over. It’s important to make space for things you love and enjoy inorder to stay fresh, creative and happy.

Top 10 ways to find creative inspiration

We live and breathe creatively everyday. It is our passion, but in order to stay fresh we find ways to keep ourselves and our team inspired. Here are our top 10 ways to find creative inspiration.

You can start to implement new ideas into your routine, things that work for you. The idea is to do things that make you feel good, relaxed and compliment your life but don’t be afraid to try something new and exciting.

Sometimes it feels very refreshing to do things you maybe used to make time for but let the pressure and responsibility of life take over. It’s important to make space for things you love and enjoy inorder to stay fresh, creative and happy.

Here’s some fun and easy ways to find creative inspiration and ignite your imagination:

1. Art, History, and Science

Visit an art gallery and surround yourself by the genius of Picasso, Renoir, Pollock. Art galleries can awaken your visual imagination and aids in the formation of mental connections.

Have you been to a museum lately? Museums can increase our sense of wellbeing, help us feel proud of where we have come from, can inspire, challenge and stimulate us, and make us feel healthier.

Explore the exhibits at the science centre. Be curious, these educational hubs allow you to be hands-on and engaged.

2. Leave the hustle and bustle

Get out of the city and escape to nature. Enjoy the quiet, clear your mind, and inspiration will follow.

3. Pencil to paper

Return to the basics and ditch digital for an afternoon. Use a notebook or sketch pad to map out your creative ideas, pencil-to-paper. Try not to erase anything!

4. Listen to music

Choose a song that inspires you creatively from any genre, let that be your anthem. Whatever your taste, choose a song that motivates you.

5. Get moving

Use those endorphins to feel re-energized and motivated. Working up a sweat helps get your creative juices flowing and clears your mind.

6. Get out of your comfort zone

Do something different. Challenge yourself; take a fitness class, go on a long hike (don’t forget to bring snacks and water), try a dance class, play an instrument, book that solo trip, go on that date…whatever it is, trust your intuition and celebrate expanding your horizons.

7. Meditate

Meditation is about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. It’s about learning to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment and learn to better understand them.

8. Pick up a new book

Reading is a great way to expand your mind but also let it relax and drift away into something interesting and exciting. Be sure to choose something you enjoy but try not to make it work-related.

Have to heard of Book of the Month — Now available in Canada, we love this cleverway to keep you excited about reading on a regular basis. Choose from a curated selection of the best new reads every month and get them delivered right to you.

book of the month

9. Make a vision board

Vision boards can help you imagine a positive future. This is a fun way to increase positive emotions, goal setting and manifestation. Positive emotions often create opportunities and increase the chances of success.

10. Journaling

Making a habit of writing down personal affirmations and setting positive intentions every day is a great way to stay positive and clear your mind. Check out our blog on Setting Powerful Affirmations for Success to get you started. 

Here are some key takeaways…

  • Your unique perspective is your creative gold
  • Bringing the spirit of fun, excitement, and child-like wonder is extremely valuable to be creative
  • The more you live a life that inspires you, the more access you have to your creativity
  • You’re not always going to be inspired; you’ve got to sit down and work anyway
  • Self-doubt is normal, create anyway
  • It takes time and effort. Each bit of experience counts towards something!
  • Create for yourself
  • You need to have a curiosity about life
  • Let go and let it flow
  • Refining and simplifying are what lead to a beautiful finished product. It’s a skill that must be learned!

Creative people need to make time to feed this part of ourselves to keep fresh and inspired. We do this through lifestyle, learning, practice, and community, from successful entrepreneurs to chefs, actors, people in graphic design, and everyone in between – those whose job depends on creativity know how complex and valuable of a topic this is, and that we need to take care of our creativity and nurture it. Stay curious!