
Increase Your Online Visibility with SEO

So far you’ve learned why keywords matter and how to find the best ones for your business. Rock-on! Now it’s time to make another pit-stop and review your website content (grab a snack and let’s do this!).

Essentially, content is words and videos that we make to provide answers to questions that your audience is searching for on Google.

When you use your website, blog or videos to answer questions for your customer’s, you instantly increase your online visibility. But there are a few tricks we can use to optimize your content so that Google can’t resist it and your customers will be happy they found you 🙂

What is content and how does it benefit your SEO?

Google loves information in text or video format. This can be the copy or videos found on your website pages, but the best way to get your rankings up fast is to use your blog to write posts that serve your clients valuable and relevant information on an ongoing basis.

Yep, this means creating content and blogging on a consistent basis (which we know sounds daunting) but trust us, it’s not as difficult or time consuming as you think. Blogs can be short, sweet and to the point and don’t require hours of time to create. There’s just a few things to keep in mind to make your content worthy of people’s attention.

Here’s how you should be thinking about your blog content:

  • What are my ideal clients looking for online?
  • How could I help them?
  • Can I write a valuable blog post about that topic?

To help you get started, we’ve created a handy SEO itinerary that covers everything you need to remember while creating SEO-friendly content.

Are you ready for the next lesson?

You don’t have to wait for Lesson #4 which covers a helpful free tool — Google Search Console.
Click the button below to skip to the next lesson now.

We’re here if you have any questions. Just Contact Us.
— Creatively, Maria