
8 of Our Best Logo Design Tips

Whether you are a new business branding yourself for the first time, started off on a small budget or its time for your business to update, your logo is probably one of the most important visual marks of your business. It should be an exciting time for you as you take the leap, you should feel absolutely confident to share it with anything that moves (your Starbucks Barista, Gas attendant, Front line at your bank) it’s a proud moment, we totally get it!

We’ve created a ton of logos and love it like it’s one of the worlds greatest discoveries. Some of the deep creative thinking happens like this…


Here are  our top 8 best logo design tips

1. Everything starts on paper – As true creatives at heart, we take pencil to paper first – always! Sometimes a walk in the park, some fresh air, hit the driving range, help the creative juices flow.

2. Inspiration is everywhere – Often we are so absorbed by the influx of technology around us sometimes it’s just nice to step away (just for a few moments – lets not get too crazy!) Take a deep breath, walk the dog, read a magazine back to front, get lost in a novel, are just some things we do to let our creative minds wonder.

3. Brainstorm – We jot every crazy, silly, funny idea on paper, big or small. That’s where the magic happens. Turning what you might think are impossibilities into possibilities.

4. Write them down – Sometimes ideas come to you when you least expect them. Out on the town, middle of the night (it’s happened trust me;) we jot those ideas down on whatever we’ve got handy. A paper napkin (check), post-it note (check), bathroom mirror (check)…Sometimes a piece of paper or your sketch book just isn’t enough. Sometimes to think out of the box you need to exceed the edges of a page. We have a giant chalkboard wall in our creative space that allows us to brainstorm those ideas life size if we want to. It’s a great way to feel free without boundaries.

5. From sketch to digital – It’s amazing to see your idea turn sketch, turn digital in the creative process. It is important to remember any logo should be created using industry standard vector software like Adobe Illustrator. This will ensure the best format and quality for any platform.

6. Fonts – A very important aspect to logo design is font choice. Although a designer may or may not sketch every font style on paper or add colour in the initial brainstorming phase, I assure you they have style, weight, size in mind while they refine their designs through the creative process. Choosing the right font is like choosing the right suit to wear. You put your best professional self forward and it defines your brand. Choosing less common fonts or variations of, give you that unique edge.

7. Colour – Choosing the right colour combo is like picking the right tie to match that suit. It really pulls the logo together. Colour has meaning and with the right eye you can get really creative with pallets. It’s important to remember not to use too many colours in your logo, or it becomes a distraction and makes including it on marketing materials more challenging.

8. Does it reflect your core brand values? – It’s really important that the logo truly represents you and your business. The best part of my job is getting to know my clients and their businesses, what their passionate about and being able to see it not only from the outside looking in but from the inside out. We want to share our work and be as proud and confident of it as you are.

We hope these 8 best logo design tips help guide you on your way to creating a brand you can truly be proud of. If you need some help creatively or technically, reach out to our creative team, we would love to work with you!

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